THAT WAY, YOU COULD rake in MORE sales, inquiries, AND SUBSCRIBERS. 

It didn’t exactly turn the way you were craving. And instead of feeling confident as hell about your copy, you’re wishing you had a second set of eyes on everything you wrote so you knew, with certainty, that your copy was saying all the right things, was easy to read, and had a healthy helping of brand personality sprinkled throughout. 

Congratulations! You DIYed your copy (website or otherwise)! But…..

Pulling in all of my brand and copywriting expertise, I’ll audit your messaging (emails, website copy, social media captions, you name it) so you have actionable and personalized advice on how to spice up your messaging to get the results you’re hungry for. 

Well, call me a wish-granter...


"She helped transform my website" 

Writing copy for my website had always been a daunting task. Although I had managed to write a substantial portion myself, I found it overwhelming to convey my message effectively and succinctly. 

Alethea provided me with invaluable insights and a fresh perspective. It was eye-opening to discover that I had been focusing too much on myself rather than making my clients the heroes of the story. She guided me through an action plan that helped me align my website with my goals—a fun and personality-filled website that would attract my ideal clients. 

I wholeheartedly recommend hiring Alethea for her exceptional brain, invaluable insight, and expertise.

Deanna | Wedding Planner

the taste test

Brand and Copy Audit

1 week

Expert copywriting and messaging advice packed with loads of examples so you know what edits to make to your copy and have ideas for how to actually make them.

Packed with flavor

Investment $750

Your website copy plus a short email sequence, social media captions, or a blog post audited (you get to choose)

An in-depth video recording, walking you through my feedback on your copy 

A Google Doc with suggestions, next steps to take, and helpful resources for revamping every website page, section, or email 

A recorded, 60-minute strategy call to go over everything covered in your copy audit and any changes you’ve made

2-week follow-up support via email or Voxer for any of your questions 

part 1

The Easy-Peesy Lemon Squeezy Copy Audit Proces

First things first, you’ll book your copy audit by picking a date, filling out a questionnaire, selecting the two pieces of copy you’d like audited, and paying your project invoice. 

part 2

I’ll dig into your questionnaire, sift through all of your copy, stalk your brand’s online presence, and come up with in-depth suggestions based on my expertise. 

part 3

One week before the date you picked, you’ll receive all of your copy audit goods including a Google Doc with suggestions, to-dos, and resources as well as a video of me going through your messaging and explaining my feedback.

part 4

You’ll get to work implementing the suggestions I’ve made and then we’ll meet for a 60-minute strategy call so you can ask any questions you have about my feedback or to go over any of the copy changes you’ve made!

I’m the type of girl who likes a whole lot of hot sauce on her tacos, the type of business owner who steers clear of any mean girl marketing tactics, and the type of brand strategist and messaging expert who’s all about helping you own your weird.

If you’re looking for help writing copy that’s fun AF to read and says all the right things that have your audience happily handing over their cash plus want support with keeping your brand voice the same across platforms, you’ve found your girl. 


I’m Alethea—A Website Copywriter and Marketer Who’s Allergic to Anything Bland, Boring, or Basic

If you’re ready to do this copy audit thing, here’s what happens next…


Pick your date, fill out your questionnaire, choose which copy you’d like audited, pay your invoice, and then sit back and chill while I dig into everything. Your juicy feedback will hit your inbox one week before your scheduled strategy call.


During our 60-minute call, we’ll take a look at the copy edits you’ve already made and any questions you have so you leave our meeting feeling confident as hell writing *chef’s kiss* copy on your own. 


After you’ve finished revamping your copy and hit the publish button, lounge around and watch as your copy brings you fame, fortune, and anything else your heart desires. 


Once you’ve got all of your copy audit goods, it’s your turn to do some noodling. You’ll look over everything, write down any questions you have, and get busy spicing up your messaging following the suggestions I’ve made.  

Alethea went beyond what I was expecting…

With a recorded audit, a post-audit meeting to review my changes, and so many wonderful examples to help me see how the copy on my website could be more powerful and attract the clients I wanted to work with. 

If there is anything I could change, I should have hired her for the next package up. Really great experience all around!

Kelcey | Event Planner


You ready to spice your copy up or what?

My Big Daddy Dining package (brand messaging plus website copy) comes with a fun, choose your-own-bonus of:

A) An entire welcome sequence fo' free (something I usually charge $1,500 for)

Or B) $1,000 off

To celebrate this launch, I'm offering a bangin' deal to a few product-based bizzes


did someone say a free $1,500 welcome sequence? or $1,000 off?